Microservice Overview

Microservice architecture has become a cornerstone in modern software development, enabling organizations to build, deploy, and scale applications more efficiently. This approach involves breaking down a large application into smaller, independently deployable services that communicate with each other.

Question here arises What type of architecture we used to fallow prior to Microservices? or Does it mean we never broke large application into smaller independent pieces before ?

Fact is that, we did and it served and is still serving the purpose with some limitations which we will discuss one by one.What i am trying to conclude here is that Every Architectural style has an intrinsic value and role to play
Only thing is ,we must know which style to use when and for what . We use below list of architectural styles for App Development

Monolithic architecture

Usually, a monolithic app consists of a database, client-side user interface, and server-side application. All the software’s parts are unified and all its functions are managed in one place. Let’s look at the structure of the monolithic software in detail

Monolithic architecture is advantageous for small or medium-sized applications due to its simplicity, faster development, and easier debugging. It’s often a good choice for startups or smaller teams that want to quickly build and deploy a product .Сomponents of monolithic software are interconnected and interdependent, which helps the software be self-contained. This architecture is a traditional solution for building applications, but some developers and the type of application they work with find it not suitable in some situations. However, monolithic architecture is a perfect solution in some circumstances like

Advantages of Monolithic Architecture

Simplicity: A small team can rapidly pull together and build an executable app using a monolithic system. This makes monolithic architecture ideal for startups without big software development budgets.

Faster Initial Development : Since all components are tightly integrated, there's no need to deal with complex service orchestration, making initial development quicker.

Easier Debugging and Testing: Debugging is simpler because all code runs in a single process, making it easier to trace issues. Unit tests and integration tests can also be more straightforward.

Efficient Performance: In a monolithic system, there’s no overhead from network latency between components (as in microservices), leading to efficient, direct calls within the same application.

Simpler Deployment : The entire application is deployed as a single unit, simplifying the deployment process. There's no need to manage multiple services or version mismatches.

Lower Initial Cost: With fewer moving parts, a monolithic architecture typically requires fewer resources, making it cost-effective in the early stages of development.

It is very essential to consider the drawbacks/limitations as well. Monolithic architectures are simple for small-scale applications, but they can lead to scalability, maintainability, and deployment challenges as the application grows. Many organizations adopt microservices as an alternative to overcome these limitations.

Monolithic application architecture, while simple to build initially, has several disadvantages as applications grow in complexity:

Disadvantages of Monolithic Architecture

Tight Coupling :: All components are tightly integrated into a single codebase, making it difficult to update, modify, or replace individual components without impacting the entire system.

Scalability Limitations : Scaling a monolith requires scaling the entire application, even if only one part (e.g., the database or a service) needs more resources. This can lead to inefficient use of resources.

Slow Development : As the codebase grows, adding new features or fixing bugs becomes more complex and time-consuming because changes can have unintended side effects in other areas.

Deployment Challenges : Any change, regardless of size, requires redeploying the entire application. This increases the risk of downtime and makes continuous deployment harder to achieve.

Limited Technology Flexibility : A monolithic application is typically built with a single technology stack, which limits the ability to use different technologies for different parts of the application that may be better suited for specific tasks.

Difficult Maintenance: Over time, maintaining and understanding a large monolithic codebase becomes challenging, especially as the number of developers and features grows.

Reduced Fault Isolation : A failure in one part of the application (e.g., a bug or memory leak) can potentially bring down the entire system, since all components are part of the same process.

Service-Oriented Architecture

Microservice Architecture

Serverless Architecture

While this architecture offers numerous benefits, it also comes with its own set of challenges and limitations. Let us explore the benefits of microservice architecture, its limitations, and when it might not be the best fit for your project.

Microservices describes the architectural process of building a distributed application from separately deployable services that perform specific business functions and communicate over web interfaces. DevOps teams enclose individual pieces of functionality in microservices and build larger systems by combining the microservices like building blocks. Microservices apply an example of the open/closed principle: They're open for extension (using the interfaces they expose) They're closed for modification (each is implemented and versioned independently) Microservices provide many benefits over monolithic architectures: They can remove single points of failure (SPOFs) by ensuring issues in one service don't crash or affect other parts of an application. Individual microservices can be scaled out independently to provide extra availability and capacity. DevOps teams can extend functionality by adding new microservices without unnecessarily affecting other parts of the application. Using microservices can increase team velocity. DevOps practices, such as Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery, are used to drive microservice deployments. Microservices nicely complement cloud-based application architectures by allowing software development teams to take advantage of scenarios such as event-driven programming and autoscale. The microservice components expose APIs (application programming interfaces), typically over REST protocols, for communicating with other services. An increasingly common practice is to use container clusters to implement microservices. Containers allow for the isolation, packaging, and deployment of microservices, while orchestration scales out a group of containers into an application.

Benefits of Microservices Architecture

Scalability : Microservices allow for independent scaling of services based on demand. For example, if your user authentication service experiences a surge in traffic during peak hours, you can scale it up without affecting other services like payment processing or inventory management. This means that each service can be scaled individually, optimizing resource utilization and ensuring efficient performance.

Flexibility and Agility : With microservices, development teams can work on different services simultaneously, leading to faster iteration and innovation. This flexibility allows for independent deployment and reduces the time to market for new features. For instance, one team can be improving the user interface while another team works on the backend analytics service. This parallel development leads to faster iteration and innovation. Just like how different chefs in a restaurant kitchen can work on different dishes simultaneously, microservices allow teams to develop and deploy features independently.

Resilience : Microservice architecture enhances fault tolerance by isolating failures. If one service fails, it doesn’t necessarily bring down the entire system, improving overall system resilience. Imagine a website where the recommendation engine fails; in a monolithic architecture, this might bring down the whole site. However, with microservices, the failure of the recommendation engine won’t affect the checkout or user profile services, ensuring the site remains operational.

Technology Diversity : Microservices offer the freedom to use different technologies for different services. For example, a team might use Python for data analysis services and Node.js for real-time messaging. This allows developers to choose the best tool for each specific task, optimizing performance and development efficiency.

Improved DevOps and CI/CD : Microservices streamline continuous integration and delivery processes. For example, you can deploy updates to the billing service without redeploying the entire application. This modular approach allows for more efficient automation and deployment processes, similar to how modular furniture can be assembled and adjusted without affecting the whole setup.

Team Autonomy : Microservices promote small, focused teams that take ownership of individual services. Think of each team as a small startup responsible for its own product. This increases productivity, accountability, and overall team efficiency, as each team can work independently without waiting for others.

Limitations of Microservice Architecture

Complexity : While microservices offer many benefits, they also introduce architectural complexity. Managing multiple services requires robust monitoring, management, and orchestration. Imagine managing a fleet of drones instead of a single large airplane; each drone needs to be tracked, maintained, and controlled individually.

Inter-service Communication Communication between services can introduce latency and data consistency challenges. For example, ensuring that a user’s order status is consistent across the order management and delivery tracking services can be tricky. This is similar to how maintaining a conversation with multiple people over a conference call can be more complex than talking to someone face-to-face.

Deployment and Testing Challenges Coordinated deployments across multiple services can be complex. Imagine trying to release a new feature that spans several microservices; ensuring they all work together seamlessly requires meticulous planning. End-to-end testing becomes more challenging, requiring comprehensive strategies to ensure system reliability.

Cultural Shift Adopting microservices often requires a cultural shift within the organization. Teams need skilled personnel and may need to undergo organizational changes to support the new architecture.

Cost Microservices can lead to higher operational costs due to increased infrastructure and tooling requirements. For example, running multiple instances of services and managing them effectively can be more expensive than maintaining a monolithic application. It’s like owning multiple specialized vehicles for different tasks versus a single versatile vehicle; while each specialized vehicle performs its task better, the overall cost and maintenance can be higher.

When Not to Use Microservices

Small Projects For small projects, a monolithic architecture might be simpler and more efficient. Microservices could introduce unnecessary complexity for small projects.

Lack of Expertise Teams without microservice experience might struggle with the architectural demands. Adequate training and expertise are very important for successful implementation.

Resource Constraints Sometimes limited budget or infrastructure might not support the overhead associated with microservices. Assessing resource availability is critical. For instance, if your project has limited funding, the cost of maintaining multiple microservices might outweigh the benefits.


Microservice architecture offers significant benefits in terms of scalability, flexibility, and resilience. However, it also comes with challenges such as complexity, inter-service communication, and higher costs. It’s essential to evaluate your project’s specific needs and resources before adopting a microservice approach. Finally, If your application is relatively small or straightforward, splitting it into microservices can add unnecessary complexity. Monolithic architecture is often easier to manage for small projects where a single team can handle everything.Microservices add flexibility and scalability, but they also bring added complexity. If your project is small, in the early stages, or your team lacks the expertise and resources for managing distributed systems, it's often better to stick with a monolithic architecture to keep things simpler.